Audiobook Review: Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt
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Unabridged Digital Audiobook
Runtime: 4 hours, 33 minutes
Read by the author
At the beginning of each year (and throughout the year, too), many of us make promises and set goals. Yet it seems as though most of us end up making the same promises and setting the same goals year after year after year. Earlier this week, we took a look at setting SMART goals for your walking. But we could all use a little extra help—and in the audio edition of Your Best Year Ever, author and leadership mentor Michael Hyatt explains how to stop making excuses and start moving forward.
In this detailed guide, the author walks through his popular training program to show readers how to get out of the same old cycle of broken New Year’s resolutions and disappointment and to transform any and all aspects of their lives in just five steps. Using concrete examples and plenty of research, he shows how to learn from the past, how to set the right goals, how to get beyond distractions and doubts, and how to focus on the action steps to achieve those goals—and to keep achieving.
Your Best Year Ever is loaded with information about how to do what you’ve never been able to do before. In his step-by-step program, Hyatt starts with the basics: adjusting your attitude. That alone will make a huge difference in how you move forward. As he moves through the steps in the process, though, he offers surprisingly simple and straightforward ways to make big changes in how you set goals and follow through to achieve them.

Meanwhile, since Hyatt is a trained speaker, he’s the perfect choice for narrating this book. His style is light and easy, sharing stories from his own life before explaining how he was able to overcome his own obstacles. He’s likable and relatable, and you’ll look forward to listening in, whether you’re hitting the trail or hitting the gym.
Really, though, there’s so much information here that you might want to take notes and absorb things a little more. You’ll also want to read and reread the book—and to refer back to parts as you continue to implement the steps in Hyatt’s process. So while the audio edition is a great place to start—to get a feel for the process and to get quick but valuable ideas and reminders during your daily walk—you might want to pick up a copy of the written book as well.
If you’ve been struggling to follow through on your New Year’s resolutions—or you’re looking for a little boost in improving yourself, your business, your team, or anything else, Your Best Year Ever is a great choice. It offers straightforward steps that will help you grow and achieve—and then grow and achieve even more.
You can find the Audible audiobook on Amazon—or pick up the hardcover edition.