Category: Features


5,000-Step Valentine’s Day Walking Playlist

This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on the link and make a purchase, we’ll get a small percentage at no extra cost to you. There’s something about February that just gives...


Setting SMART Walking Goals for the New Year

Every year, during the last couple of weeks of the year, people start thinking about their New Year’s resolutions.  They throw out things like “I want to lose weight” or “I want to get...


Winter Break Fun: 5 Ideas to Keep Your Family Active

Ah, the holiday season: a busy time of celebrations and festivities…of baking and wrapping presents…of spending time with family and friends…of cookies and fudge and cheese plates and crackers and chocolate-covered pretzels… Well…you get...


Cross-Training for Walkers

Walking is pretty awesome, right?  You probably wouldn’t be here if you didn’t believe in the power of walking to keep you happy and healthy.  For many of us, it’s become a part of...