New Year, New Steps: Setting Fun Walking Goals for the New Year

This is the time of year when everyone starts thinking about making changes. We’re supposed to make New Year’s resolutions that will turn us into the people we’ve always dreamed of being. A year from now, we’ll be richer and prettier and skinnier and at peace with the world. Either that, or a month from now, we’ll be exactly the same as we are right now—only with a little bit of added shame for breaking our resolutions.
We’ve already talked about setting SMART goals. It’s a great way to make a change—but you don’t have to set any big, crazy, serious goals for the new year; try some fun goals instead! Here are some ideas for fun walking goals to set for the coming year.
Recruit a New Walking Buddy
Most of the time, I walk solo. I hit the trail when I have the time in my schedule—and I’ve found that it’s a great way to get away from the chaos of the day and enjoy some fresh air and a good audiobook. But, when time allows and our schedules are in sync, I also love being able to walk with friends—enjoying some fresh air and exercise together while catching up on the craziness of our lives. We laugh and we vent—and we feel pretty great after tackling the miles together.
Through the years, I’ve met some pretty great walking buddies. Some are regulars; some are aren’t as frequent. Some were friends before we started walking together; some became great friends because of our walking. And I love that we’ve built such valuable relationships while we’re doing something that’s good for our health, too!
Do you have some great walking buddies? Even if you do, there’s always room for more! Make a point of inviting more friends to walk this year—and you might just end up building some lifelong friendships in the process

Train for and Participate in a Race
Sometimes having a goal—and a deadline—to work toward can help you stay on track. If you’re struggling to keep up with a regular walking routine, try signing up for a race! Not only will you have something to look forward to, but you’ll also have something to work toward. If you’ve never done an in-person race before, start with a fun 5k! Talk some friends into joining you for a fun morning walk—with some bling and some treats waiting for you at the finish line to reward you for your hard work—or tackle it on your own!
Even if it’s not your first race, signing up for an event will keep you motivated—and it’s just a lot of fun, too! If you’ve already participated in a few races and are feeling like a 5k isn’t much of a challenge, try stepping up the distance to a 10k or even more. It’ll give you a new goal to work toward.
Find a New Trail to Add to Your Regular Rotation
When you’re heading out for regular walks, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. You may have found an awesome trail—one that’s close to home and scenic, too, with just the right level of difficulty. But even the Best Trail Ever can get a little monotonous if you’re walking the same path—and seeing the same things—a few times a week.
Make a goal of exploring some new paths this year. Maybe you want to check out some nearby parks—or even some scenic neighborhoods. Find at least one new path to add to your regular rotation of walks—so you’re less likely to get bored and give up on your walking routine.
Plan a Virtual Race Day with Friends

In-person races are so much fun—especially when you’re doing them with friends. But maybe you live in a small town where there aren’t many to choose from—or they just don’t work with your schedule. So plan your own! Choose a virtual race from a site like, and schedule a day to do the race together. Plan to meet up at a park. Bring snacks and drinks and make it a fun event!
Even if you have plenty of in-person races to choose from in your town, planning an event with just your friends means no crowds, low cost, and convenient start times (which is definitely a plus when you’re not a morning person). And you won’t have to worry about the race shutting down or running out of granola bars before you finish—because it’s your race!
Enjoy a Walking Getaway
When you walk hundreds (and maybe even thousands) of miles a year, you get to know the area around you pretty well. I can tell you all of the landmarks on my regular walks—along with the distance to each one. While there’s something comfortable about those old familiar trails, it’s fun to explore a new place every once in a while, too.
This year, make a plan to walk somewhere away from home! It could be somewhere in a different state—or a different city—as long as it’s somewhere you haven’t explored before. Maybe it’s a day trip to a trail that someone’s recommended. Maybe you’re already on vacation—or visiting family or friends—and you just take some time out to enjoy a nice, long walk. Or maybe you’re ready to commit to a walking vacation (and, if so, please take me with you!). But you never know what you’ll find when you get out of your neighborhood and walk somewhere new.
Up Your Endurance
Each of us is on our own walking journey. Maybe you’re just starting out, and you’re just happy to walk for 20 minutes at a time. Or maybe you regularly walk marathons. Wherever you are in your journey, challenge yourself this year to go a little bit longer—or a little bit farther. It doesn’t have to be a huge change. You don’t have to push yourself to walk an 11-minute mile. But choose a goal that’s appropriate for you. If you’ve been going on four-mile walks on the weekends, try to work up to five or six. If your long walks are an hour long, try to add 15 or 30 minutes over time. A little bit at a time will make for a significant change by the end of the year.
Try Something Different!
You know that I’m constantly talking about changing it up; in fact, I’ve mentioned changing up your regular walking trails twice in this post alone. But I’ve found that variety keeps things fun—and that keeps you from giving up out of boredom. This year, find new ways to change it up. Once every week or two, try to incorporate something different into your regular routine. Maybe do some retro walking—or add weights. Try a regular cross-training day. Or try some new walk-at-home videos on YouTube. If you make a point of trying something different, you’ll end the year with a whole lot of new options in your exercise arsenal—and you’ll be more likely to stick with your routines.
New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be big and painful; they can be something fun, too! Have you set any fun goals for the year? Share them with us, so we can watch your progress and cheer you on!
Helpful Articles:
Setting SMART Goals:
Walking Travel:
Walking with Weights:
Cross-Training for Walkers:
Walk-at-Home Workout Reviews: