Question of the Day: Who Walks with You?

Sometimes, when I get up in the morning, I look out the window and check the weather on my phone, and I’m excited to get outside for a walk. I’ll get to the trail, pop in my headphones, and press PLAY on a good audiobook – and everything will just feel right with the world.

Other days, however, I’ll drag my butt out of bed, and I’ll struggle to find the motivation to get up and get moving. And it’s on those days when there’s just nothing like the promise of laughter, friendship, and maybe just a good venting session to get me out the door.

My walks are a mix of solo walks and walks with someone else. Depending on the day, I might walk with Kristin or Lynne – my two most frequent walking buddies. Or maybe Christine or Melissa will have the time to fit in a walk. Or, if the weather is nice, I might just be able to talk my husband or my daughter into walking with me.

What about you? Do you prefer to walk alone – to take the time to disconnect for a while? Or do you need a walking buddy to motivate you to get moving? Who’s walking with you this week?


Kristin has been hitting the trail (or the treadmill) for a walk almost every day for the past several years, and she recently completed her first half marathon. She loves sunny fall days, cushy walking shoes, and coconut caramel iced coffee from Dunkin.

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