App Review: Relive

In this age of social media, if you don’t post about it, it didn’t happen. I often see people posting their daily workouts along with their shopping trips and kids’ sporting events. Some will even post fun videos about where they’ve been and what they’ve seen. So I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and give the Relive app a try.
Relive is an app that maps your activity—whether you’re walking, biking, kayaking, or even driving—and creates a video in the end. There’s a lengthy list of activities that you can select—though it doesn’t really matter which activity you select, since it records them all the same. You can connect a number of different apps—like MapMyWalk—so your activities are automatically recorded. Since my MapMyWalk app has been unreliable lately, though, if I really want to capture a video, I record it directly in the Relive app. Once you complete your activity, then, you can create a video that will show your course on the map. You can then share it to different forms of social media—from Facebook to TikTok.

After a nice long walk, it’s fun to retrace your steps—and to show friends and family where you’ve gone. I showed my husband the video of a walk that a friend and I did on our regular path, and he liked the fact that he could now visualize where I go during all of the time I’m gone. I also loved being able to record my recent half marathon to see where I’d been (and replay it over and over because it’s kind of a big deal).
The app also includes some additional features for connecting with other users or finding different trails to explore. There’s plenty to explore in this app. But most of these are features that you’ll find in a number of different apps, so they might not be features that many users would take advantage of.
As is usually the case, though, in order to get the really cool features, you have to pay for them. You can create videos of your walk—or show your time and distance with a photo taken during your walk (as in my half-marathon video below)—but you can’t attach special music or custom photos or video clips to your video in the free account. It’s only $39 per year to upgrade—which, admittedly, isn’t a whole lot if you’re going to use those features regularly. Since I take a lot of pictures on my walks, I’d definitely use it if I had it. But, for me, it doesn’t really seem like a worthwhile splurge.
If you’re often exploring different paths and like to share them on social media, Relive is a fun app to play with. But if you’re mostly just interested in the cool upgrades, you might be frustrated by the free version.
– Shows your path on a map and creates a video
– Easily shareable to social media
– Can connect to other fitness apps to automatically record workouts
– Can be upgraded to customize videos with your own photos and videos
– Free video-creating features are pretty basic
– Unless you plan to share to social media regularly, it might not be worth the upgrade
You can learn more about Relive at