Shop Spotlight: Mama Needs a Walk Tech V-Neck

Need the perfect Mother’s Day gift for a walking mama? Look no further! This comfy Mama Needs a Walk women’s v-neck is light and breathable and perfect for hitting the trail or just hiding in the corner of her favorite coffee shop.
Maybe it was because I wore this shirt on a warm, sunny spring day on the trail – or maybe it was just because this shirt is just so darn cute. But when I wore this on a recent walk, everyone seemed to smile a little bigger and say hello a little cheerier. Perhaps they suspected that I was a tired mom who was about to snap – who just needed someone to smile and say hello as opposed to, say, handing me a pile of dirty laundry while asking what’s for dinner. Whatever the case, it made my day.
You can find your very own smile-magnet trail shirt in the Will Walk for Coffee Etsy shop at