Tagged: winter


Music Monday: Ice Ice Baby

Okay. I give up. I tried to find a whole bunch of upbeat winter-themed songs to help motivate us through our winter walks, but apparently it’s just not a thing. People aren’t especially upbeat...


Music Monday: Winter Sound

I’ve been trying so hard to find winter-themed songs for our January workouts. And I’ll admit that the quest has been…unfulfilling. But I did come across this song from Icelandic group Of Monsters and...


Music Monday: Hazy Shade of Winter

Guys…it’s been cold here. It’s been snowy. We’ve had snow days and school delays. It’s been…winter. And I don’t like it. I’ve been trying to find upbeat winter songs to keep me going, but…I...


Winter Break Fun: 5 Ideas to Keep Your Family Active

Ah, the holiday season: a busy time of celebrations and festivities…of baking and wrapping presents…of spending time with family and friends…of cookies and fudge and cheese plates and crackers and chocolate-covered pretzels… Well…you get...


Cold Weather Gear for Walkers

This article contains affiliate links. If you click on these links and place an order, we’ll get a small percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you. After months of sweating through...


Gear Review: Warmhand Rechargeable Hand Warmers

This article contains affiliate links. If you click on these links and place an order, we’ll get a small percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you. I may have mentioned before...