What Walking Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day
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Mother’s Day is quickly approaching! And while Mom will tell you that you absolutely do not need to give her a gift for Mother’s Day—that just being your mom is the greatest gift—we all know that she wouldn’t exactly be upset if you brought her a small gift to say thanks for all of the sleepless nights and the diaper changes and the packed lunches and the side job as your personal chauffer (I could go on, but I won’t…).
If your mom loves lacing up her favorite walking shoes and getting her daily steps, there’s a pretty good chance that she’d love a thoughtful gift that she can enjoy on her daily walk. If you’re at a loss for what that might be, I’m here to help! Here are some ideas for walking-themed gifts that might just earn you the title of Mom’s Favorite.
Sure, walking is one of the few physical activities that’s theoretically free. But when I say theoretically, I mean that there’s a whole lot of stuff that you can buy to make it more enjoyable. So your walking mama is sure to love some of these walking gear gifts.
Walking Shirts
Get Mom geared up in style—whether she’s going for a walk or going for coffee—with a cute walking-themed shirt! My personal favorite is the Mama Needs a Walk v-neck tech shirt from the Will Walk for Coffee Etsy shop. It’s soft and comfy and breathable—perfect for any activity!
Find it at WillWalkForCoffee.Etsy.com.
Sunscreen Applicator
Sunscreen is a necessity for long outdoor walks, but applying sunscreen can be a greasy mess. When I saw these sunscreen applicators, I knew I needed to add them to my wishlist—and they’d make a great addition to a Mother’s Day walking gear basket!
Find it on Amazon.
Hydration Belt
Moms always need to have all the necessities handy—that includes when she’s walking! If Mom has been struggling to carry all of her stuff while she’s on her daily walks, she needs a hydration belt with all of the bells and whistles. This one will hold a couple of water bottles, keys, money, ID, her phone (with touchscreen cover!), and more. It’ll even hold her bib on race day!
Find it on Amazon.
Birdie Personal Safety Alarm
It’s important to take safety precautions when walking—and I feel so much more comfortable on the trail when I’ve got my Birdie personal alarm handy. Just pull out the pin, and a loud siren will send attackers running the other way.
Find it on Amazon.
Portable Charger
You don’t need working, fully-charged electronics when you’re walking (though carrying a working phone is a simple safety precaution). But most of us run some kinds of apps when we’re walking—from tracking apps to maps to music or books. And if your mom is anything like me, she might sometimes forget to get everything fully charged up before she heads out the door. But with this tiny portable charger, she’ll have the extra juice she needs in a package that’s easy to carry with her.
Find it on Amazon.
Walking Journal
I love keeping track of my daily walks—along with things like races and trails and gear—in a walking journal. I love being able to track my miles—and my overall progress—so I can look back later and be so very proud of how far I’ve come (or gone…). I’ve designed my very own printable journal that you can download and print out (and even have bound at a local office supply store) for your walking mama. You can find it in the Will Walk for Coffee Etsy shop. But if you want something that’s already printed and ready to go, this one on Amazon is the one I used last year—and it’s a pretty good option, too.
Gift Cards
Gift cards may feel impersonal, but if you know your mom’s favorite places to shop (and you don’t know her size), it’s a good way to go. Some of my favorite stores for walking gear include Old Navy, Under Armour, and Sierra. You could also pick a local running shop—or an online shoe store like Zappos or Relay Goods. You might want to throw in a gift card to her favorite coffee shop, too. And if you want to make it less impersonal-feeling, put together a basket of gift cards and small gear items.
After a long walk, any walking mom could use a little pampering. You can keep mom feeling rested, relaxed, and maybe even spoiled with recovery treats like these:
Pedicure Gift Certificate
All that walking can make for some worn-out feet. Treat Mom to a relaxing pedicure at a local nail spa. Better yet: connect with the husband and/or kids of one of your mom’s walking buddies, so they can enjoy some pampering together.
Recovery Sandals
Several different brands have released their own recovery sandals. I love my Hoka Ora recovery sandals, but I’ve also heard a whole lot of great things about OOFOS’s lightweight recovery sandals. No matter which ones you choose, Mom’s tired feet will thank you.
Find these on Amazon.
The Comfy
If your mom is always cold (like I am), she will love curling up on the couch in this gigantic wearable hooded blanket. It’s big and plush and cozy—like a big hug from her favorite kid (that’s you).
Find it (in Mom’s favorite color) on Amazon.
Therapy Booties
While Mom is wrapped up in her cozy wearable blanket, she can soothe her tired feet with these soft, microwavable therapy booties. They’re great for foot pain—or just for relaxing and relieving stress at the end of the day.
Find them on Amazon.
Foot Bath Spa
There’s nothing quite like a pedicure to relax tired feet—but this foot spa offers a whole lot of the same things at home: a good soak, warm, jetted water, and even massage rollers. Maybe it’s not quite the same as being pampered by a pedi pro, but it’s a pretty good alternative—for a great price, too!
Find it on Amazon.
Bath Bombs / Shower Steamers
Some moms are bath moms; some moms are shower moms. Whatever the case, you pick up a great gift to help her relax and refresh after a long walk with a package of aromatherapy bath bombs or shower steamers.
Find your choice of bath bombs or shower steamers on Amazon.
Being a mom sometimes feels a little bit like single-handedly running a sinking cruise ship. It’s busy and chaotic and everything feels urgent all the time—and while you’re trying to take care of your family’s needs, you often run out of time to do things for yourself. So if you want to do something awesome for your walking mama, give her time. Put together a gift certificate for walking time—and offer to take on some of her tasks, so she can enjoy the time away without worrying about how far behind she’ll be when she gets home.
Want to go the extra mile? Plan a getaway with one or more of her walking friends (and be sure to include coffee or her favorite beverage, too). It could be just a few hours, but if you want to really make her Mother’s Day, plan for a whole day—or even a weekend getaway—some time to walk and talk and just enjoy herself without having to plan or stress out or suffer from mom guilt over it.
Whether your walking mama prefers casual strolls through the neighborhood with a friend, power walks down a scenic path with a rockin’ playlist, or lining up at the starting line for a walking event (or all of the above), there are so many great gift ideas that will make her feel loved and appreciated on Mother’s Day. Just take advantage of this collection of ideas and throw in a big hug and a “Love you, Mom,” and you’re guaranteed to make her day.