Question of the Day: Why?

Last week, we talked about how long we’ve been walking. Today we’re going to go a little bit deeper. WHY did you start walking? And…to go deeper still…why do you keep walking?

When I started, in the fall of 2019, it hit me that I just wasn’t very active. After another summer of donuts and ice cream and fun treats with my daughter, I’d put on the standard Summer 10. And I heard my doctor’s words from a few years earlier: “You know, you’re going to have to start working out when you’re no longer chasing a toddler around.” Well, that toddler was now 7, and that time had come.

When I started, it was out of a need to take off a couple of summer pounds – but I soon realized that walking was more than just a weight loss plan. It helped me survive a pandemic, two years of online school, and plenty of personal crises. Now, it’s not just for my physical health; it’s for my mental health, too.

What’s YOUR story?


Kristin has been hitting the trail (or the treadmill) for a walk almost every day for the past several years, and she recently completed her first half marathon. She loves sunny fall days, cushy walking shoes, and coconut caramel iced coffee from Dunkin.

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