Question of the Day: 2024 Races
It’s no secret that I love participating in races as a walker – not necessarily because I want to push myself and walk super-fast on race day but because I love the excitement, the...
Taking Life One Mile - and One Cup - at a Time
It’s no secret that I love participating in races as a walker – not necessarily because I want to push myself and walk super-fast on race day but because I love the excitement, the...
The holiday season can be busy, to say the least. If you have kids, it can be downright chaotic. All too often, we lose sight of the joy that this time of year is...
I love participating in races. I love the planning and the preparation and the anticipation. I love packet pickups and gathering at the starting line. I love walking the miles with friends and crossing...
This afternoon, Kristin and I are heading to Cincinnati for tomorrow’s Queen Bee Half Marathon. I’m super excited (and also panicking about my last-minute packing, since it’s the first time I’m doing a race...
I woke on a dreary Saturday morning with the sudden realization that my half marathon was just two weeks away. And that’s when the panic set in. Sure, I’d been preparing for it for...
Each and every weekend, walkers just like us line up at the back of the pack—behind the runners—for races. While the runners speed on ahead, competing for prizes and PRs, we follow along behind,...
Last weekend, participated in my third New Albany Walking Classic. Though I like a little variety – trying out a variety of different races – the Walking Classic is one of the few that...
For me, last weekend was Race Weekend—a super-exciting time for friends and fitness and celebrating all of the hard work we put into our regular walking routines. But I often find that the whole...
Sunday is Race Day for me! Woohoo! That means I’ll be spending the morning putting in some miles with friends, enjoying a massive after-party, and taking home another new medal for my collection. For...