Tagged: T-shirt


Shop Spotlight: Will Walk For Coffee T

Tech shirts are great for the trail…or the gym…or for those hot summer days when you just need something that will breathe and not make you look all sweaty and gross. But sometimes you...


Shop Spotlight: Peace Love Walk Tee

Now that we’re experiencing fake spring here in the Midwest, we’ve been able to get outside without layers and layers and layers of winter gear – and I was so excited to get out...


Shop Spotlight: Peace Love Walk Tee

With Valentine’s Day approaching, it’s the perfect time to express your love…for walking! The Peace Love Walk cotton tee comes in a classic boxy fit that’s super soft and comfy and perfect with jeans...


Shop Spotlight: My Favorite Thing about Running T-shirt

It’s true: my very favorite thing about running is walking the whole time! This shirt was inspired by some fellow walkers at a race last spring…and specially made for my walking buddy, Lynne. Fun...


Shop Spotlight: Walk This Way T-shirt

Have you checked out the Will Walk for Coffee shop on Etsy? I’ve been busy adding planner pages to help you kick off a new year of walking – along with T-shirts, tech shirts,...